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Disable administrative access to ArcGIS Server on port 6443

If you've configured ArcGIS Web Adaptor with ArcGIS Server and have not enabled administrative access, the only way you can administer your site is by connecting directly through the default port, for example, However, if ArcGIS Server is using web-tier authentication, you can configure your site to disable users in the identity store from administering the site through this port. In this manner, users are forced to access your site through the Web Adaptor URL, for example,


Because HTTPS protocol is enforced by default beginning at 10.7, port 6443 is used to access ArcGIS Server. However, if you have changed this to allow communication over HTTP (which is not secure), your ArcGIS Server site can be accessed on port 6080. This topic assumes you have not changed the default setting, which is a security best practice.

To disable administrative access on port 6443, ArcGIS Server must be configured to use web-tier authentication and at least one user in the identity store must have administrative access to the site. Additionally, the web server hosting the Web Adaptor must enforce user authentication using the same identity store configured with ArcGIS Server. To learn more, see Configure ArcGIS Server security.

The primary site administrator account will still be able to administer the site through port 6443. To fully disable access on port 6443, you can optionally disable the primary site administrator. Keep in mind that if the Web Adaptor becomes unavailable or if the web server is unable to authenticate users that have administrative access, you will be unable to administer your site. To recover from this state, you'll need to re-enable the account using the password reset utility. Once the account is re-enabled, connect to the site through port 6443 with the account.

To disable administrative access to ArcGIS Server on port 6443, follow the steps below:

  1. Configure the Web Adaptor to allow administrative access to your site. For full instructions, see Configure the Web Adaptor after installation.
  2. Open the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory using the Web Adaptor URL and log in with a user that has administrative permissions to your site. The Administrator Directory is typically available at
  3. Click security > config > update.
  4. On the Operation - update page, disable the Allow direct administrator access option and click Update.
  5. Optionally disable the primary site administrator account to fully disable access on port 6443. To do so, see Disable the primary site administrator.

After completing these steps, ensure that all of your server connections in ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, and client applications are connecting to ArcGIS Server using the Web Adaptor URL.