Instead of setting user-defined environment variables in the user profile, the script is provided as a convenient way for you to set and manage user-defined variables specific to ArcGIS Server. The settings you define are applied only to ArcGIS Server and do not affect other applications running on the system.
The script is located in the <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/arcgis/server/usr directory. To set user-defined environment variables, open the script and use the following syntax:
export <user defined variables>=<location to the defined variables>
The script is broken up into five sections, as described below. When you are finished editing the script, you'll need to restart ArcGIS Server for the changes to take effect. You can do this by manually restarting each ArcGIS Server in your deployment by running the script.
If you upgrade ArcGIS Server, information you previously defined in the script is retained. However, new parameters exposed by the script in the upgraded software will not be listed. To include any new features, review the information listed below and add the variables manually to your existing script.
Configure a connection to a database
This section is used for enabling environment variables to configure a database connection for ArcGIS Server. To enable database environment variables, you'll need to uncomment the lines (by removing the pound sign [#] characters) and enter database-specific information. For detailed instructions, see Configure a database connection for ArcGIS Server.
Variable | Version added |
Configure a connection to Oracle: #export ORACLE_BASE=<Oracle_InstallDir>/app #export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/<Oracle_Release>/product/<Oracle_Version>/<client_Version> #export ORACLE_SID=<set when applicable> #export TNS_ADMIN=<set when applicable. e.g.$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin> #export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH | 10.1 |
Configure a connection to Oracle Client from My Esri: #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<Location_to_Instant_Client>:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH | 10.1 |
Configure a connection to PostgreSQL: #export PGHOME=<PostgreSQL_InstallDir> #export PATH=$PGHOME/bin:$PATH #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PGHOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH | 10.1 |
Configure a connection to DB2: #export DB2_CLIENT_HOME=<DB2_InstallDir> #export DB2INSTANCE=<DB2_Instance_Name> #export PATH=$DB2_CLIENT_HOME/bin:$PATH #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DB2_CLIENT_HOME/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH | 10.1 |
Configure a connection to Informix: #export INFORMIXDIR=<Informix_InstallDir> #export INFORMIXSERVER=<Informix_Database_Server_Name> #export INFORMIXSQLHOSTS=<Location_to_sqlhosts> #export ODBCINI=<Location_to_.odbc.ini>/.odbc.ini #export PATH=$INFORMIXDIR/bin:$PATH #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$INFORMIXDIR/lib:$INFORMIXDIR/lib/cli:$INFORMIXDIR/lib/esql:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH | 10.1 |
Configure a connection to Netezza. To make a connection, name the ODBC connection files as .odbcinst.ini and .odbc.ini and store them in the ArcGIS Server's $HOME directory. #export LIB_ODBC_DRIVER_MANAGER=<>/ #export ODBCINSTINI=<set when .odbcinst.ini is not set in the user's $HOME directory> #export ODBCINI=< set when .odbc.ini is not set in the user's $HOME directory> | 10.1 SP1 |
Configure a connection to Teradata. To make a connection, name the Teradata ODBC configuration files as .odbcinst.ini and .odbc.ini and store them in the ArcGIS Server user $HOME directory. #export LIB_ODBC_DRIVER_MANAGER=<Teradata_InstallDir>/client/14.00/odbc_64/lib/ #export TDDIR=<Teradata_InstallDir>/client/14.00/odbc_64 #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TDDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH #export ODBCINI=<Location_to_.odbc.ini>/.odbc.ini | 10.2 |
Configure a connection to ALTIBASE: #export ALTIBASE_HOME=<Altibase_InstallDir> #export ALTIBASE_PORT_NO=<Altibase_Port_No> #export PATH=${ALTIBASE_HOME}/bin:${PATH} #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ALTIBASE_HOME}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} #export CLASSPATH=${ALTIBASE_HOME}/lib/Altibase.jar:${CLASSPATH} | 10.3 |
Configure a connection to SAP HANA. To make a connection, name the SAP HANA ODBC configuration files as .odbcinst.ini and .odbc.ini and store them in the ArcGIS Server user $HOME directory. Also install a Linux ODBC driver manager and reference it by setting the LIB_ODBC_DRIVER_MANAGER variable. #export LIB_ODBC_DRIVER_MANAGER=<>/ | 10.3 |
Change the temp directory
This section of the script is for changing the temp directory. The default location of the temp directory is <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/arcgis/server/temp. The temp directory location you specify must be accessible by the account that was used to install ArcGIS Server. During normal server operations, files are generated in the temp directory. It's recommended that you periodically clean up or delete these files to free up disk space.
Variable | Version added |
The default location for the temp directory is at <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/arcgis/server/temp. The specified directory needs to be accessible by the account that was used to install ArcGIS Server. #SERVER_TEMP_DIR=<Location_to_temp_directory> | 10.2.1 |
Configure a proxy server
This section of the script is for configuring a forward proxy server. For detailed instructions, see Using a forward proxy server with ArcGIS Server.
Variable | Version added |
The no_proxy environment variable contains a semicolon-separated list of domains for which the default proxy is not required. The <local> and a wildcard character * are supported when specifying the domains. #export http_proxy=https://<user name>:<password>@<>:<port number>/ #export no_proxy="<local>;*.<domain>.<com>" | 10.1 SP1 |
Install root certificates
This section of the script is for installing root certificates issued by a certificate authority (CA) when enabling SSL for ArcGIS Server. For full instructions, see Enabling SSL using a new CA-signed certificate.
Variable | Version added |
The specified directory needs to be accessible by the account that was used to install ArcGIS Server. All certificates in the specified directory will be imported to the OS certificate store. #export CA_ROOT_CERTIFICATE_DIR=<Location_to_CA_Root_Certificate> | 10.2 |
Enabling user-defined variables
This section of the script is for enabling all other user-defined environment variables for ArcGIS Server.
Variable | Version added |
User-defined variables # | 10.1 |